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Título: An algorithm for the serial capacitated economic lot-sizing problem with non-speculative costs and stationary capacities
Autor: Piñeyro, Pedro
Viera, Omar
Cancela, Héctor
Tipo: Reporte técnico
Palabras clave: Capacitated Economic Lot-Sizing Problem, Inventory Control
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Resumen: We address the serial capacitated economic lot-sizing problem under particular assumptions on the costs and the capacity pattern. We prove that when the involved costs are non-speculative with respect to the transfer to future periods and the capacity pattern is stationary for all levels, the optimal plan for each level can be obtained independently in O(T 3) time. This leads to an O(T 3L) algorithm for the problem with L levels. and the capacity pattern is stationary for all levels, the optimal plan for each level can be obtained independently in O(T 3) time. This leads to an O(T 3L) algorithm for the problem with L levels.
Editorial: UR. FI – INCO.
Serie o colección: Reportes Técnicos 10-10
Citación: PIÑEYRO, P., VIERA, O., CANCELA BOSI, H. "An algorithm for the serial capacitated economic lot-sizing problem with non-speculative costs and stationary capacities". Reportes Técnicos 10-10. UR. FI – INCO, 2010.
ISSN: 0797-6410
Licencia: Licencia Creative Commons Atribución – No Comercial – Sin Derivadas (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Aparece en las colecciones: Reportes Técnicos - Instituto de Computación

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