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Listing by Author Cholaquidis, Alejandro

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A counter example on a Borsuk conjectureCholaquidis, Alejandro
2017Detection of low dimensionality and data denoising via set estimation techniquesAaron, Catherine; Cholaquidis, Alejandro; Cuevas, A.
2010Estimación de conjuntos y longitudes : una aproximación no paramétricaCholaquidis, Alejandro
2007Estimación de Longitudes y ÁreasCholaquidis, Alejandro
2022Estimation of surface areaAaron, Catherine; Cholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo
2023Home range estimation under a restricted sampling schemeCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Hernandez-Banadik, Manuel
2021Level set and density estimation on manifoldsCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Moreno, Leonardo
2021Level set and drift estimation from a reflected brownian motion with driftCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Mordecki, Ernesto; Papalardo, Cecilia
2021Level sets of depth measures in abstract spacesCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Moreno, Leonardo
2019On boundary detectionAaron, Catherine; Cholaquidis, Alejandro
2020On estimation of biconvex setsCholaquidis, Alejandro; Cuevas, Antonio
2022Statistical analysis of measures of non-convexityCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Moreno, Leonardo; Pateiro-López, Beatriz
2014Técnicas de teoría geométrica de la medida en estimación de conjuntoCholaquidis, Alejandro
2022Universally consistent estimation of the reachCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Moreno, Leonardo
2020Weighted lens depth: Some applications to supervised classificationCholaquidis, Alejandro; Fraiman, Ricardo; Gamboa, Fabrice; Moreno, Leonardo