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Title: Calcium modulation of bacterial wilt disease on potato
Authors: Ferreira, María Virginia
Naranjo, Eber
Denis, Nicol
Cobine, Paul
De La Fuente, Leonardo
Siri, María Inés
Type: Artículo
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) is a phytopathogenic bacterial group that causes bacterial wilt in several crops, being potato (Solanum tuberosum) one of the most important hosts. The relationship between the potato plant ionome (mineral and trace elements composition) and the resistance levels to this pathogen has not been addressed until now. Mineral content of xylem sap, roots, stems and leaves of potato genotypes with different levels of resistance to bacterial wilt was assessed in this work, revealing a positive correlation between divalent calcium (Ca) cation concentrations and genotype resistance. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Ca on bacterial wilt resistance, and on the growth and virulence of RSSC. Ca supplementation significantly decreased the growth rate of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum GMI1000 in minimal medium and affected several virulence traits such as biofilm formation and twitching motility. We also incorporate for the first time the use of microfluidic chambers to follow the pathogen growth and biofilm formation in conditions mimicking the plant vascular system. By using this approach, a reduction in biofilm formation was observed when both, rich and minimal media, were supplemented with Ca. Assessment of the effect of Ca amendments on bacterial wilt progress in potato genotypes revealed a significant delay in disease progress, or a complete absence of wilting symptoms in the case of partially resistant genotypes. This work contributes to the understanding of Ca effect on virulence of this important pathogen and provides new strategies for an integrated control of bacterial wilt on potato.
IN: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. 90, nº 5, 2024.
Citation: Ferreira, M., Naranjo, E., Denis, N. y otros. "Calcium modulation of bacterial wilt disease on potato". Applied and Environmental Microbiology [en línea] v. 90, nº 5, 2024, 18 p.
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Facultad de Química

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