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dc.contributor.authorDavyt-Colo, Belén-
dc.contributor.authorGirotti, Juan R.-
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, Andrés-
dc.contributor.authorPedrini, Nicolás-
dc.identifier.citationDavyt-Colo, B, Girotti, J, González, A y otro. "Secretion and detection of defensive compounds by the red flour beetle tribolium castaneum interacting with the insect pathogenic fungus beauveria bassiana". Pathogens. [en línea] 2022, vol. 11, n° 5, e487. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens11050487es
dc.description.abstractEntomopathogenic fungi such as Beauveria bassiana are extensively used for the control of insect pests worldwide. They infect mostly by adhesion to the insect surface and penetration through the cuticle. However, some insects, such as the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), have evolved resistance by embedding their cuticle with antifungal compounds. Thus, they avoid fungal germination on the cuticle, which result in low susceptibility to entomopathogenic fungi. In adult T. castaneum, these antifungals are the well-known defensive compounds methyl-1,4- and ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone. In this study, we added B. bassiana conidia on the diet of adult beetles to study the effect of the entomopathogen on the secretion and detection of the beetle volatile blend containing both benzoquinones. The compounds were analyzed by solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography–flame ionization detection, and were detected by electroantennography. In addition, we measured the expression level of four genes encoding for two odorant-binding proteins (OBP), one chemosensory protein (CSP), and one odorant receptor (OR) in both healthy and fungus-treated insects. Significant alterations in the secretion of both benzoquinones, as well as in the perception of methyl-1,4-benzoquinone, were found in fungus-treated insects. TcOBP7D, TcOBP0A and TcCSP3A genes were down-regulated in insects fed conidia for 12 and 48 h, and the latter gene was up-regulated in 72 h samples. TcOR1 expression was not altered at the feeding times studied. We conclude that fungus-treated insects alter both secretion and perception of benzoquinones, but additional functional and genetic studies are needed to fully understand the effects of fungal infection on the insect chemical ecology.es
dc.relation.ispartofPathogens v. 11, n° 5, 2022. -- e487es
dc.rightsLas obras depositadas en el Repositorio se rigen por la Ordenanza de los Derechos de la Propiedad Intelectual de la Universidad de la República.(Res. Nº 91 de C.D.C. de 8/III/1994 – D.O. 7/IV/1994) y por la Ordenanza del Repositorio Abierto de la Universidad de la República (Res. Nº 16 de C.D.C. de 07/10/2014)es
dc.subject.otherECOLOGIA QUIMICAes
dc.subject.otherEXPRESION GENICAes
dc.titleSecretion and detection of defensive compounds by the red flour beetle tribolium castaneum interacting with the insect pathogenic fungus beauveria bassianaes
dc.contributor.filiacionDavyt-Colo Belén, Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata (INIBIOLP), CCT La Plata Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)—Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) (Argentina)-
dc.contributor.filiacionGirotti Juan R., Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata (INIBIOLP), CCT La Plata Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)—Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) (Argentina)-
dc.contributor.filiacionGonzález Andrés, Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Facultad de Química, Laboratorio de Ecología Química-
dc.contributor.filiacionPedrini Nicolás, Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata (INIBIOLP), CCT La Plata Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)—Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) (Argentina)-
dc.rights.licenceLicencia Creative Commons Atribución (CC - By 4.0)es
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Facultad de Química

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