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Título: Dependency change with aging and associated factors in Uruguay: a cohort study
Autor: Marroig, Alejandra
Machado, Maximiliano
Muniz-Terrera, Graciela
Tipo: Artículo
Palabras clave: Dependency, Activities of daily living, Older adults, Uruguay
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Resumen: Objectives: To assess the heterogeneity of transitions toward dependency in older adults and to explore the robustness of results to different operationalizations of dependency. Method: Using data from people aged 60 years and older from a national representative study in Uruguay (Encuesta Longitudinal de Protección Social, N= 5071), we fitted multinomial regressions adjusted by sociodemographic and health characteristics to model transitions into dependency and death. We used a harder operationalization with basic activities of daily living (Katz-dependency) and Comprehensive-dependency with basic, instrumental, and advanced activities. Results: Increasing age (RRR = 1.08, CI = [1.05; 1.12], p< .001) and having comorbidities (RRR = 2.16,CI = [1.31; 3.57], p= .003) increased the risk of transition from nondependent to dependent using Katz-dependency. Women with at least two chronic conditions have increased risk of Comprehensive-dependency (RRR = 1.79, CI = [1.15; 2.80], p=.010). Discussion: Inconsistencies in findings emerged when evaluating transitions into dependency with the different measures, which may have social care implications.
Descripción: Postprint (versión arbitrada por pares aceptada para publicar)
Editorial: Sage
EN: Journal of Aging and Health. May 8 (first published online)
Citación: MARROIG, Alejandra, MACHADO, Maximiliano y MUNIZ-TERRERA, Graciela. "Dependency change with aging and associated factors in Uruguay: a cohort study". [Postprint]. Publicado en: Journal of Aging and Health [en línea]. 2021, May 8 (publicación anticipada). https://doi.org/10.1177/08982643211017726
Cobertura geográfica: Uruguay
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos - Instituto de Estadística

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