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Title: Measurement of knee articulation laxity by videofluoroscopy image analysis : CINARTRO
Authors: Simini, Franco
Santos, Darío
Artigas, José
Gigirey, Verónica
Dibarboure, Luis
Francescoli, Luis
Type: Artículo
Keywords: Knee Kinematics, Tibio femoral contact point, Quadriceps moment arm, CINARTRO
Descriptors: Sistemas y Control
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Several methods are used to evaluate knee articulation during movement, such as the Tibio Femoral Contact Point migration or the Instantaneous Centre of Rotation displacement and even the Moment Arm variations during extension. Such evaluation is important in case of Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction or Total Knee Replacement, but unfortunately, it is only available in research settings. We have devised a novel clinical methodology based on serial images of knee movement videof luoroscopy, which are interactively analysed to allow automatic determination of kinematics parameters. The method, called CINARTRO, compares values with the contralateral knee and produces a standard Clinical Document Architecture file ready for Electronic Medical Record systems. To correct the “pin cushion” effect of X ray intensifiers, a 10 mm apart lead spheres phantom was developed. To validate the interactive selection of anatomical points, cadaver limbs were marked with lead markers and compared with points marked on the blind image. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (injured and reconstructed) and contralateral Moment Arms averages of 53mm, 39mm and 43mm respectively were found. Similarly the Total Knee Replacement patient`s Moment Arm was reduced to 33mm. These findings justify the use of our methodology to help clinicians during rehabilitation follow-up. Keywords : : Knee Kinematics, Tibio Femoral Contact Point, Quadriceps Moment Arm, Videofluoroscopy, CINARTRO
Publisher: HOAJ
IN: Medical Imaging and Radiology, v. 5, article 4, 2017
Citation: Simini, F, Santos, D, Artigas, J, Gigirey, V, Dibarboure, L, Francescoli L. "Measurement of knee articulation laxity by videofluoroscopy image analysis: CINARTRO". Medical Imaging Radiology, v.5, no.4. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2054-1945-5-4
ISSN: 2054-1945
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica

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