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Title: Algebraic kk-theory and the KH-isomorphism conjecture
Authors: Ellis, Eugenia
Rodríguez Cirone, Emanuel
Type: Preprint
Keywords: Bivariant algebraic K-theory, Equivariant homology, Homotopy Ktheory, Quillen model categories
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: We relate the Davis-Lück homology with coefficients in Weibel's homotopy K-theory to the equivariant algebraic kk-theory using homotopy theory and adjointness theorems. We express the left hand side of the assembly map for the KH-isomorphism conjecture introduced by Bartels-Lück in terms of equivariant algebraic kk-groups.
Publisher: arXiv
IN: Mathematics (math.KT-K-Theory and Homology), arXiv:2205.04558, may. 2022, pp. 1-42.
Sponsors: ANII - FCE_3_2018_1_148588
Citation: Ellis, E. y Rodríguez Cirone, E. Algebraic kk-theory and the KH-isomorphism conjecture. [Preprint]. Publicado en : Mathematics (math.KT-K-Theory and Homology), 2022, pp. 1-42. .arXiv:2205.04558
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Facultad de Ingeniería

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