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Título: Indoor localization using graph neural networks.
Autor: Lezama, Facundo
García González, Gastón
Larroca, Federico
Capdehourat, Germán
Tipo: Ponencia
Palabras clave: Localization, Graphs, GNN
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Resumen: The topic of indoor localization is very relevant today as it provides solutions in different applications (e.g. shopping malls or museums). We consider here the so-called Wi-Fi fingerprinting approach, where RSSI measurements from the access points are used to locate the device into certain predefined areas. Typically, this mapping from measurements to area is obtained by training a machine learning algorithm. However, traditional techniques do not take into account the underlying geometry of the problem. We thus investigate here a novel approach : using machine learning techniques in graphs, in particular Graph Neural Networks. We propose a way to construct the graph using only the RSSI measurements (and not the floor plan) and evaluate the resulting algorithm on two real datasets. The results are very encouraging, showing a better performance than existing methods, in some cases even using a much smaller amount of training data.
Editorial: IEEE
EN: IEEE URUCON 2021, Montevideo, Uruguay, 24-26 nov. 2021, pp. 1-4.
Citación: Lezama, F., García González, G., Larroca, F. y otros. Indoor localization using graph neural networks [en línea]. EN: IEEE URUCON 2021, Montevideo, Uruguay, 24-26 nov. 2021, 4 p.
Licencia: Licencia Creative Commons Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Derivadas (CC - By-NC-ND 4.0)
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica

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