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Title: Antimicrobial peptides in the seedling transcriptome of the tree legume Peltophorum dubium
Authors: Rodríguez Decuadro, Susana
Da Rosa, Gabriela
Radío, Santiago
Barraco Vega, Mariana
Benko-Iseppon, Ana Maria
Dans, Pablo P.
Smircich, Pablo
Cecchetto Cianciarulo, Gianna
Type: Preprint
Keywords: Fabaceae, Antimicrobial peptides, RNA-Seq, Cysteine motifs
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play an essential role in plant defense against invading pathogens. Due to their biological properties, these molecules have been considered useful for drug development, as novel agents in disease therapeutics, applicable to both agriculture and medicine. New technologies of massive sequencing open opportunities to discover novel AMP encoding genes in wild plant species. This work aimed to identify cysteine-rich AMPs from Peltophorum dubium, a legume tree from South America. We performed whole-transcriptome sequencing of P. dubium seedlings followed by de novo transcriptome assembly, uncovering 78 AMP transcripts classified into five families: hevein-like, lipid-transfer proteins (LTPs), alpha hairpinins, defensins, and snakin/GASA (Giberellic Acid Stimulated in Arabidopsis) peptides. No transcripts with similarity to cyclotide or thionin genes were identified. Genomic DNA analysis by PCR confirmed the presence of 18 genes encoding six putative defensins and 12 snakin/GASA peptides and allowed the characterization of their exon-intron structure. The present work demonstrates that AMP prediction from a wild species is possible using RNA sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly, regarding a starting point for studies focused on AMP gene evolution and expression. Moreover, this study allowed the detection of strong AMP candidates for drug development and novel biotechnological products.
Description: Versión permitida: pre-print. Publicado en: Biochimie, 2021, 180: 229-242. DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.11.005
Sponsors: ANII: POS_NAC_2021_1_169716
ANII: FCE_1_2019_1_156473
Citation: Rodríguez Decuadro, S, Da Rosa, G, Radío, S, [y otros autores]. "Antimicrobial peptides in the seedling transcriptome of the tree legume Peltophorum dubium" [Preprint] 2021. 35 h..
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Facultad de Ciencias

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