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Title: Atmospheric dependence of the direct, diffuse, and global clear-sky conversion ratios between solar photosynthetic active irradiance and photon flux.
Authors: Di Laccio, José Luis
Russo, Paola
Monetta, Andrés
Alonso-Suárez, Rodrigo
Abal, Gonzalo
Type: Preprint
Keywords: PAR irradiance, PAR photon flux, Conversion ratios, SMARTS
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The ratio of the global solar photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) photon flux (in μmol/m2 s) to global solar PAR irradiance (in W/m2) is of interest to con vert one into another. This ratio is usually considered as a constant value close to its extraterrestrial value, 4.55 μmol/J. However, this ratio depends on the spectral composition of solar radiation at ground level and it is different for the diffuse and beam components of solar irradiance. Under clearky conditions, the three PAR ratios (global, beam and diffuse) are determined by the local atmospheric composition and the relative air mass. In this work, the SMARTS spectral irradiance model with MERRA-2 atmospheric inputs is used to eval uate the dependence of these ratios under clear-sky conditions with air mass, aerosol optical depth (AOD), precipitable water vapor and ozone column. The accuracy of the SMARTS beam spectral irradiance is previously assessed using local spectroradiometer measurements. The clear-sky ratios for the diffuseand direct components increase with increasing air mass, while the global ratio shows only a weak air mass dependence. The clear-sky ratios can be modeled with simple bi-variate linear models in air mass and AOD. These results can be used in similar climatic regions to convert PAR flux to PAR irradiance and vice versa with increased accuracy for the global, direct, and diffuse radiation under cloud-free conditions.
IN: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 345 : 109832, 2024.
Citation: Di Laccio, J., Russo, P., Monetta, A. y otros. Atmospheric dependence of the direct, diffuse, and global clear-sky conversion ratios between solar photosynthetic active irradiance and photon flux. [Preprint]. Publicado en : Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 345 : 109832, 32 p. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109832.
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Laboratorio de Energía Solar (LES)

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