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Title: Exposure to contaminants during active transport in Uruguay and the effect on health parameters.
Authors: Colistro, Valentina
D'Angelo, Mauro
Gonzalez, Elizabeth
Franchi, Ignacio
Vera, Ana Clara
Alemán, Alicia
Type: Artículo
Keywords: Environmental pollutants, Bicycling, Cycling, Health, Carbon monoxide, Air quality
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Air pollutants can have a substantial impact on health. Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) can penetrate the respiratory system and produce inflammation; chronic exposure can damage lung tissue. Several environmental and daily habits have been reported to increase the risk of disease and adverse health conditions. We carried out a study to assess the importance and effect of these factors on human health. The objective was to measure exposure to environmental pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, nitrogen dioxide, and noise) by studying cyclists in Montevideo, Uruguay. We measured environmental pollutants on two urban routes with high and low values of the environmental variables and biometrics of participating cyclists. No significant differences were found between routes. Our results suggest that active transport benefits seem to outweigh health risks in Montevideo for the sampled cycling routes. Our study provides knowledge about characteristics of the environment, which is an important input when monoxide, air quality planning where to place bikeways in Montevideo.
Publisher: National Environmental Health Association
IN: Journal of Environmental Health, vol. 87, no 1, jul-aug 2024, pp. 16-22.
Sponsors: Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica de la Universidad de la República (Proyecto N° CSICVUSP- M2-2019-35).
Citation: Colistro, V., D'Angelo, M., Gonzalez, E. y otros. "Exposure to contaminants during active transport in Uruguay and the effect on health parameters". Journal of Environmental Health. [en línea]. 2024 vol. 87, no 1, pp. 16-22.
ISSN: 0022-0892
Geographic coverage: Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay.
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Mecánica de los Fluidos e Ingeniería Ambiental

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