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dc.contributor.authorNegreira, Carloses
dc.contributor.authorPérez Alvarez, Nicoláses
dc.contributor.authorCanetti, Rafaeles
dc.identifier.citationNegreira, C, Pérez Alvarez, N, Canetti, R. “Time reversal determination of particle concentration in liquid media”. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, España 2007.es
dc.description.abstractThe determination of particle concentration in liquids has important applications in the industry. In the last years, environmental applications increased the importance of the determination of concentrations in real time. This implies the necessity of robust and low cost techniques. In this work we show the application of the Time Reversal technique to determine the particle concentration level in liquid media. The signal obtained in the Time Reversal process has an acoustic signature of the media by which the waves propagate. This signature is sensible to global changes of media properties, like temperature or the statistical distribution of diffusers. As specific application example make we show the determination of bacteria concentration in a biological reactor for the treatment of remainders of the milky industry and the determination of the evolution in time of the mud level.es
dc.relation.ispartof19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, España 2007. Proceedingses
dc.rightsLas obras depositadas en el Repositorio se rigen por la Ordenanza de los Derechos de la Propiedad Intelectual de la Universidad De La República. (Res. Nº 91 de C.D.C. de 8/III/1994 – D.O. 7/IV/1994) y por la Ordenanza del Repositorio Abierto de la Universidad de la República (Res. Nº 16 de C.D.C. de 07/10/2014)es
dc.subject.otherSistemas y Controles
dc.titleTime reversal determination of particle concentration in liquid mediaes
dc.rights.licenceLicencia Creative Commons Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Derivadas (CC - By-NC-ND 4.0)es
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica

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