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Title: Improved estimation of hourly direct normal solar irradiation (DNI) using geostationary satellite visible channel images over moderate albedo areas.
Authors: Laguarda, Agustín
Alonso-Suárez, Rodrigo
Abal, Gonzalo
Type: Preprint
Keywords: Solar radiation, Direct normal irradiance, Satellite modeling, Semi-empirical model, GOES-East images
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: An accurate knowledge of the direct solar irradiance at normal incidence (DNI) is required to size solar energy systems, specially those using solar concentration technologies. In the absence of measurements, DNI can be estimated over an arbitrary site with a dedicated satellite model or by using satellite-derived global horizontal irradiance (GHI) and a phenomenological diffuse-direct separation model. This second procedure is error-prone, specially under partial cloudiness conditions and low solar elevation angles. A novel and simple semi-empirical satellite-based model to estimate DNI in moderate albedo regions using a physical clear sky model and a cloudiness index obtained from visible satellite imagery is proposed and assessed. An ergodic assumption in which the images are spatially averaged to better represent the hourly time basis is used. Over the target region (Southeastern South America, SESA), the new DNI satellite model outperforms the alternative strategy at the hourly level, with an average uncertainty of 20% (versus 25%) when compared with three measurement station’s data sets located in center Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay.
Description: Publicado en Solar Energy Volume 259, 15 July 2023.
Citation: Laguarda, A., Alonso-Suárez, R. y Abal, G. Improved estimation of hourly direct normal solar irradiation (DNI) using geostationary satellite visible channel images over moderate albedo areas. [Preprint]. Publicado en: Solar Energy, Volume 259. 15 July 2023, p. 30-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2023.04.042.
Geographic coverage: Sureste de América del Sur, Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay.
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Laboratorio de Energía Solar (LES)

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