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Título: A comparison between lumped and distributed hydrological models for daily rainfall-runoff simulation.
Autor: Vilaseca, Federico
Narbondo, Santiago
Chreties, Christian
Castro, Alberto
Gorgoglione, Angela
Tipo: Ponencia
Palabras clave: Hydrology, SWAT model, GR4J model
Cobertura geográfica: Uruguay, Cuenca del río Santa Lucía Chico.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Resumen: In Uruguay, the Santa Lucía Chico watershed has been studied in several hydrologic/hydraulic works due to its economic and social importance. However, few studies have been focused on water balance computation in this watershed. In this work, two daily rainfall-runoff models, a distributed (SWAT) and a lumped one (GR4J), were implemented at two subbasins of the Santa Lucía Chico watershed, with the aim of providing a thorough comparison for simulating daily hydrographs and identify possible scenarios in which each approach is more suitable than the other. Results showed that a distributed and complex model like SWAT performs better in watersheds characterized by anthropic interventions such as dams, which can be explicitly represented. On the other hand, for watersheds with no significant reservoirs, the use of a complex model may not be justified due to the higher effort required in modeling design, implementation, and computational cost, which is not reflected in a significant improvement of model performance.
Editorial: IOPScience
EN: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 958, The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021) 1st-4th November 2021, Xi'an, China
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/958/1/012016
Citación: Vilaseca, F., Narbondo, S., Chreties, C. y otros. A comparison between lumped and distributed hydrological models for daily rainfall-runoff simulation [en línea]. EN: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 958, The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021), Xi'an, China, 1-4 nov 2021, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/958/1/012016
Licencia: Licencia Creative Commons Atribución (CC - By 4.0)
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Mecánica de los Fluídos e Ingenieria Ambiental

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