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Title: Pan-cancer chromatin analysis of the human vtRNA genes uncovers their association with cancer biology
Authors: Fort Canobra, Rafael S
Duhagon, María Ana
Type: Artículo
Keywords: vault RNA, vtRNA1-1, vtRNA1-2, vtRNA1-3, vtRNA2-1, nc886, mir-886, Cancer, TCGA, DNA methylation, Chromatin accessibility
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Background: The vault RNAs (vtRNAs) are a class of 84-141-nt eukaryotic non-coding RNAs transcribed by RNA polymerase III, associated to the ribonucleoprotein complex known as vault particle. Of the four human vtRNA genes, vtRNA1-1, vtRNA1-2 and vtRNA1-3, clustered at locus 1, are integral components of the vault particle, while vtRNA2-1 is a more divergent homologue located in a second locus. Gene expression studies of vtRNAs in large cohorts have been hindered by their unsuccessful sequencing using conventional transcriptomic approaches. Methods: VtRNA expression in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Pan-Cancer cohort was estimated using the genome-wide DNA methylation and chromatin accessibility data (ATAC-seq) of their genes as surrogate variables. The association between vtRNA expression and patient clinical outcome, immune subtypes and transcriptionally co-regulated gene programs was analyzed in the dataset. Results: VtRNAs promoters are enriched in transcription factors related to viral infection. VtRNA2-1 is likely the most independently regulated homologue. VtRNA1-1 has the most accessible chromatin, followed by vtRNA1-2, vtRNA2-1 and vtRNA1-3. VtRNA1-1 and vtRNA1-3 chromatin status does not significantly change in cancer tissues. Meanwhile, vtRNA2-1 and vtRNA1-2 expression is widely deregulated in neoplastic tissues and its alteration is compatible with a broad oncogenic role for vtRNA1-2, and both tumor suppressor and oncogenic functions for vtRNA2-1. Yet, vtRNA1-1, vtRNA1-2 and vtRNA2-1 promoter DNA methylation predicts a shorter patient overall survival cancer-wide. In addition, gene ontology analyses of vtRNAs co-regulated genes identify a chromosome regulatory domain, epithelial differentiation, immune and thyroid cancer gene sets for specific vtRNAs. Furthermore, vtRNA expression patterns are associated with cancer immune subtypes and vtRNA1-2 expression is positively associated with cell proliferation and wound healing. Conclusions: Our study presents the landscape of vtRNA chromatin status cancer-wide, identifying co-regulated gene networks and ontological pathways associated with the different vtRNA genes that may account for their diverse roles in cancer
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
IN: F1000Research, 2021, 10:182
Citation: Fort Canobra, R y Duhagon, M. "Pan-cancer chromatin analysis of the human vtRNA genes uncovers their association with cancer biology". F1000Research. [en línea] 2021, 10:182. 40 h. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.28510.2
ISSN: 2046-1402
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Facultad de Ciencias

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