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Title: Seasonal Accumulation of Solar Energy in Aquifer for Thermal Conditioning
Authors: González, Federico
Galione, Pedro
Flaquer, Alfonso
Braga, Lidio
Curto, Pedro
Type: Ponencia
Keywords: UTES, ATES, Energy storage, Geothermal energy, Solar energy
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The present work aims to analyze the accumulation of thermal energy in aquifers, using the summer to season to heat water by solar collector and inject hot water into the aquifer, and using it for building heating during cold season. The first approach to model the behavior of the aquifer is made by analytical model and then an experimental arrangement is designed and built. The thermal and hydraulic parameters of the aquifer must be known in order to apply accurately analytical and numerical models. In the site of study, the behavior of the aquifer to an injection of hot water, heated by solar collectors is studied. These measures are used to compare, and as inputs to analytical and numerical models.
Publisher: ISES
IN: Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 4-7 de noviembre, 2019.
Citation: González, F., Galione, P., Flaquer, A. y otros. Seasonal Accumulation of Solar Energy in Aquifer for Thermal Conditioning [en línea] EN: Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019, Santiago de Chile, 4-7 de nov. Santiago de Chile : ISES; 2019, 8 p.
License: Licencia Creative Commons Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Derivadas (CC - By-NC-ND 4.0)
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Laboratorio de Energía Solar (LES)
Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Ingeniería Mecánica y Producción Industrial

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